Does Size Matter? Bigger Isn’t Necessarily Better
Does size matter? Now, don’t go thinking our minds are in the gutter over here. This is a family show. There are things where size might matter. If you’re using a battering ram, for example. Then, yes, size matters. If you’re looking to finesse something, like the tiny screws on…
It’s June 1: Hurricanes, Hunkering Down and Havoc
It’s that time of year again, folks. It’s June 1st. That means that summer has started (at least unofficially), we’ve turned a new page on the calendar, and the Atlantic Hurricane Season has begun. It’s been on every newspaper and every news broadcast on every channel from North Carolina to…
Preparing Your Home For Sale: It’s All In The Staging
All the world’s a stage, isn’t it? This is no less true when you’re getting your home ready to sell (by the way, if you’re planning on selling in Spring 2022, you’d best get to stepping). Preparing your home for sale is all about putting it in its best light,…
SPRING Into Spring With Urban Provision!
Up north, it got all the way up to 40-some-odd degrees this weekend. All those crazy Yankees acted like it was time to break out the bikinis and do the spring dance of love. We hate to break it to them, but they’ll be in the throes of winter for…
Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! How To Knock Your Home Sale Out Of The Park
BE PREPARED. This is pretty solid advice for almost any situation you’re bound to encounter in this life, dontcha think? You know, things like illness, a new baby, or some sort of Zombie Apocalypse. For our purposes, however, we’re only concerned with one situation, and that’s selling your house. BE…
How to Interview a Realtor
Preparing to buy or sell a home can be stressful. Finding a Realtor that suits you and your situation is important. When interviewing potential Realtors it may be helpful to keep the following points in mind. Savvy Negotiator An agent who quickly gives away their commission when a seller requests…
Moving Tips
Who better to serve up tips on moving than your trusted real estate agents at Urban Provision. Moving can be one of the most stressful life events for even the most organized person. To make sure you have all your bases covered we have outlined some moving tips to help…
Square Cow Movers
Square Cow Moovers specializes in moving your most cherished possessions with the utmost care. From big game mounts to aquariums and from fine art to the homes of hoarders, Square Cow has done it all. A family business based on trust is exactly who you need to handle your next…
Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
In order to ensure your home remains in tip top shape, your home needs a little TLC at various times throughout the year. There are certain tasks that you will want to tackle in the summer months versus the winter months. Take a peek at our list of Fall Home Maintenance…
Time Management Apps
You are probably wondering why a real estate company would even consider dishing out a blog post about time management apps. As a paperless, digital, mobile and virtual brokerage we think, eat and breathe apps and technology every waking moment to interact with clients and conduct business. Due to running…