Wire Fraud is REAL
First there was a steady string of fraud relating to cashier’s checks, now wire fraud is sadly the norm when speaking about a real estate transaction. According the FBI internet cyber crimes department, since 2016 more than 26 billion dollars have been lost as a result wire fraud. Because we…

Mortgage Interest Rates: The Sek-Say Chocolate of Real Estate
When I want to get all hot and bothered and excited, there are a few things that come immediately to mind that get me there. Really good cheese. Bom-chicka-wow-wow. Etta James’ music. Oozy-goozy chocolate (add sea salt and … oh … my … God). My boyfriend’s aftershave. Near the BOTTOM…

Don’t Miss a Home in your Home Search
Rewind ten or fifteen years ago. Searching for a home was quite cumbersome and took loads of time. Those in the market for a home to purchase had a few options to uncover potential properties: drive neighborhoods to uncover those properties for sale, plop open a real estate magazine or…

Does Size Matter? Bigger Isn’t Necessarily Better
Does size matter? Now, don’t go thinking our minds are in the gutter over here. This is a family show. There are things where size might matter. If you’re using a battering ram, for example. Then, yes, size matters. If you’re looking to finesse something, like the tiny screws on…

Do I REALLY Want to Do That? Working With Your Cousin, The Real Estate Agent
The following is an excerpt from an actual conversation. Well … it’s not an ACTUAL conversation, but its components are taken from bits and pieces of real chats we’ve had over the years. And before we start, we’re just going to get our “bless their hearts” out of the way.…

It’s June 1: Hurricanes, Hunkering Down and Havoc
It’s that time of year again, folks. It’s June 1st. That means that summer has started (at least unofficially), we’ve turned a new page on the calendar, and the Atlantic Hurricane Season has begun. It’s been on every newspaper and every news broadcast on every channel from North Carolina to…

Still Renting? Time To Think Again: Why Buying A Home Is A Great Idea
Psst! Do you hear that?’ ::duhhhhhhh dum … duhhhhh dum … duh dum duh dum dum duh dum:: That’s the “Jaws” theme (we think), and it’s getting louder and louder and faster and faster because—guess what?!—TAX DAY is THIS WEDNESDAY. We’re sure that you fine people have already filed your…

Living In Austin Isn’t Just Great For Your Soul, It’s Good For Your Heart.
Hey, y’all! In case you hadn’t heard, it’s winter. We mean, we’d HEARD about it here in Austin, but, really, it’s pretty warm and lovely, so we hadn’t really noticed. 60 degrees? BRR. We digress. In case you hadn’t heard, and this is serious, today, February 6th, is National Wear…

Real Estate Photography
There are three components that are critical in successfully selling a piece of real estate – Location, Price and Marketing. A real estate professional gives or should give more of their attention to the marketing component, as long as the home is priced competitive for the location of the home. Marketing consists…