ADITND: ANTI-Disruption is the New Disruption
Dip your toe into any part of the tech pool—no matter the industry or vertical—and you’ll instantly be soaked in a deluge of DISRUPTION. DISRUPTION. DISRUPTION. DISRUPTION. (And, yes, we totally channelled a “Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!” there). But we digress. Full disclosure: Urban Provision loves tech. We LOVE it. We use it…

Do I REALLY Want to Do That? Working With Your Cousin, The Real Estate Agent
The following is an excerpt from an actual conversation. Well … it’s not an ACTUAL conversation, but its components are taken from bits and pieces of real chats we’ve had over the years. And before we start, we’re just going to get our “bless their hearts” out of the way.…

“I’m Buying A House. Should I Use The Seller’s Agent?” (HINT: The Answer Is No!)
Buying a house. It’s easy, right? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? The fact of the matter is that it’s NOT easy, so before you decide to take on buying a new house all by your lonesome, there are probably some things you should think about. Imagine, if you will, the following scene:…