Did you know there are some words or phrases you should not say when speaking to a client or when marketing a home for sale?
The Fair Housing Act prohibits certain categories of discrimination in housing. The law is a federal one is prohibits publishing advertisements indicating “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on” the protected categories “with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling.” Keep in mind the categories that the Fair Housing Act covers are race, color, sex, handicap, familial status and national origin.
The Fair Housing Word and Phrase List encompasses the list of words or phrases to avoid, to be proceed with caution and those that are acceptable. It is highly advisable to double check your marketing pieces to ensure they are in compliance. A violation of the Fair Housing Act is an immediate fine with TREC and a violation of Article 10 of the Code of Ethics and almost certainly grounds for license suspension if found in violation of Article 10 by TREC.